Many women dream about the day that the man of their dreams proposes to them and hope that the day will be absolutely perfect in every way imaginable. A bride to be may have clear ideas of how she would like every detail of her wedding to be like.
Early in the week before your wedding you will want to confirm all of your honeymoon arrangements such as transportation, hotels and any other special plans you have made for your honeymoon destination such as excursions, dinner reservations or lessons. Another tip for setting a budget and sticking to it is to start saving early for your wedding. There would be nothing worse than to have a full guest list and have your guest of honor decide to go out town on that day at the last minute.
There are also usually a series of informal toasts at the rehearsal dinner. Personalizing the gift for each of the groomsmen also shows that you see them as individuals and took the time and effort involved in making the gift unique for each of them. You might want to consider having refreshing beverages such as water and juices available throughout the ceremony and reception to prevent guests from dehydrating.
Planning a bridal shower can see daunting because there are so many options but it is important to remember that you are not bound by traditions and are free to choose any theme, menu and location that the bride will enjoy. Spending some time away from the planning process is another way to help alleviate cold feet.